About Us
FCHC Primary Care Wauseon is located at 735 South Shoop Avenue in Wauseon, OH adjacent to Fulton County Health Center. Our Providers include Richard L. Grieser, MD, Rebecca L. McClarren, MD, Philip F. Ashton, MD, Marisa Baus, NP, Jake Grime, CNP and Brenda Hoops, CNP, Our office offers family orientated patient care in a modern office setting. Plus with our office located next to Fulton County Health Center, we can offer a full range of comprehensive diagnostics services to meet your healthcare needs.
Office Hours
Monday through Thursday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM & Friday 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM.
To make an appointment, please call 419-335-3242.
To fax us, please dial 419-335-3222.